Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In Which The Warlock Aims for the Infin8...


That's about all I can say.  Whew.

Don't get me wrong--I love having a hand in WittCon.  I love running games, writing scenarios, and all of the chaos that comes with running a convention.  That said, it's exhausting business!

But, you know what?  It's really worth it.

This WittCon was somewhat unique for me, in the fact that I actually had nothing scheduled during the first session.  So, instead of running game like usual, I wandered through the Shouvlin Center, snapping pictures of all of the happy gamers.

What makes me most happy about WittCon is the reconvergence of friends and neighbors from across the Springfield-Dayton community.  Alumni like High Priestess Emily and ChaoticKarl came in.  ChainMailSarah debuted her new business, GenesisMaille, at WittCon.  My fellow teacher and convention junkie Shane came out to provide Reaper Minis Paint-and-Take.  It's just fantastic to see so many of my gamer friends all in one place, enjoying a beloved hobby.

And, on the plus side, we got to try out some of our newest scenarios! 

Lawfully Blonde and Chrysalis both went over really well, with only minor changes to make it ready for the big-time at Origins 2011.  With OldSchoolBrian in my Westbound... game, I knew I was in for some chaos.  I just wasn't anticipating him totally backstabbing the poor Dr. Ignatio Metz!  At least he won't have to worry about the Three Caballeros anymore!  And, while the Pendulum adventure style needs just a touch of tweaking, Splitting Heirs was a blast...

To take a look at all of this year's events, follow this link to my Facebook album!  WittCon VIII--Infin8 Possibilities (Photo Album)


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